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The SharePoint Mobile Sync Service populates your smartphone contacts list from your SharePoint List(s) on a regular basis.

This service will not remove/modify contacts from your SharePoint List, even if you remove/modify them on your device.

Your SharePoint List View controls which contacts show up on your smartphone.  If the contact shows up on the first page of your SharePoint List View, it will go to your smartphone.

To get started, create a new connection. 

A connection will associate your desired SharePoint List and List View with your account. 

You may create as many connections as needed.  Simply click the "Add Connection" link from the Dashboard page and follow the steps.

After you create a connection, you will receive a unique CardDAV server address to use with devices. 

You will need to enter the CardDAV server address into the smartphone or device​, along with your SharePoint username and password.   (See your devices’ instructions for adding CardDAV accounts). 

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