The Member Sites Module provides a member only portal for your members to socialize, interact, collaborate and share information and files with you and each other.
Member Sites provide a safe environment loaded with powerful, yet easy to use features.
Staff and members can upload and share documents, videos, audio, presentations, PDF’s, pictures, you name it.
Take advantage of content management capabilities such as file check-in/check-out, versioning, automated workflows, email/text message notifications and more.
Enrich the experience with video streaming.
Schedule content to be published at a future date/time, and to be un-published when appropriate.
Use audience targeting to automatically place the right event, product or subscription in front of just the right person.
Control what content is accessible to which members based on membership level or role.
Ensure folks are finding exactly what they need by using a best-of-breed search engine.
Provide member based sites for Chapters, Committees, Groups, Boards, etc… if you need a place for top-notch member collaboration with easy to use capabilities like drag-and-drop file uploads, a world-class search engine, file versioning, check-in/check-out, picture libraries, slideshows, audio and video sharing, discussion boards, surveys, note boards, comments, rating, email and text-message alerts, workflows, RSS feeds, announcements, calendars, workspaces, task lists and more… Member Sites might be the right answer!
The Member Sites module includes all the right components for you to provide a rich and satisfying experience for your members. Members can easily manage their own profiles, and quickly find whatever they are looking for; whether it’s a person they met at your conference, or a presentation they saw a year ago!
Security is paramount, and SharePoint AMS is proud to offer the only DoD certified AMS system available. AMS Role driven security controls who and do what – and the entire end-user experience is a familiar one.
From the initial user registration and login, to forgot or change password capabilities – Membership Manager works the way YOUR organizations needs it to work.
Keep track of who is downloading what.
Allow members to easily see which teams, groups, committees or councils, etc… they belong to, and get to that information quickly.
Publish a searchable membership directory.
Facilitate a job board, or abstract submissions, store front, mash-ups, online newsletter, archives, the list goes on and on.
The Member Sites Module has been designed to give you full control with maximum flexibility. The Member Site templates allow you to quickly get going – and to quickly add new content, areas/sections.